Open House Festival


Back to neighbourhoods

Tottenham Hale

Tottenham Hale is undergoing significant change to become London’s next great neighbourhood – a bustling new centre with enhanced, easily accessible green spaces and waterways, new health and wellbeing facilities, community infrastructure and a stronger and fair local economy with thousands of new homes and new jobs.
Visit Tottenham Hale during London Open House Festival 2023 and uncover the vibrancy, energy and creativity helping to shape a positive and resilient 21st century neighbourhood at the heart of the Upper Lee Valley.

Unit used as an art studio in a small industrial estate.

Unknown, 1990

Drop in

Ferry Lane Estate


A tour round the estate, with visits to residents' homes, information on the original design principles, tenancy types & history plus an opportunity to appreciate the setting with the River Lea bordering the estate. Approx 90 mins.

Jack Lambert for the Greater London Council , 1978

Gaunson Creative Studios in South Tottenham, home to over 70 artist studios, will be opening its doors for the first time since 2019. Visitors will be able to meet and buy from over 50 artists across the weekend.


Haringey Council invites you to an exhibition with short talks about our ambitious council homes building programme, including how our new homes help tackle climate change, keep energy bills down, and support our most vulnerable residents.


Drop in

Markfield Beam Engine and House


A masterpiece of Victorian engineering, Markfield Beam Engine provided a vital public health facility from 1855-1964.

Unknown, 1886

A celebration of Tottenham Hale’s green spaces and the communities that are shaping them. This walking tour will explore the emerging green grid from Tottenham High Road to the River Lee, set against the backdrop of an evolving urban centre

Project Centre, Levitt Bernstein, James Waterton, LUC